Electricity transmission company Caruna outsources its key financial management processes to Efima Oy. The length of the contract is 5 + 2 years.
Spin off from Fortum, Finland’s largest electricity transmission company Caruna organized a public tender last fall for the outsourcing of its financial management. The outsourcing involves key financial management processes, such as accounts payable, accounts receivable, and general ledger. The selected partner was Efima, a developer of financial management and business processes. The advantages of Efima became evident especially in the qualitative part of the tender. Tero Salminen, Efima’s Managing Director is happy about the success:” This tender proved that our investment in the development of our service and quality have paid off.”
Caruna’s CFO Jyrki Tammivuori says: “Successful outsourcing requires focused planning and continuous development of customer service. We believe to have a committed and capable partner in Efima.”
Efima provides financial management and ERP systems as a cloud service, along with outsourcing and consulting services, to large and mid-sized companies. Excellent customer satisfaction is based on the personnel's solid competence in both financial management and information technology, combined with their genuine desire to serve customers well. To support this, Efima wants to be a fair and good employer.
Caruna is the largest company in Finland dedicated to the transmission of electricity. Countrywide, it holds a market share of about 20 per cent of local electricity transmission and provides electricity to 640,000 private and corporate customers in South, Southwest and West Finland, as well as in the city of Joensuu, the sub-region of Koillismaa and the Satakunta region. Caruna’s almost 79,000 kilometre long electrical network would stretch almost twice around the earth. The company employs 340 people directly and a total of 1,500 people indirectly all over Finland and invests about MEUR 100 in its electrical network every year. Caruna is owned by Finnish pension insurance companies Keva (12,5 %) and Elo (7,5 %) as well as international infrastructure investors First State Investments (40 %) and Borealis Infrastructure (40 %).www.caruna.fi
Additional information
Managing Director Tero Salminen, tel. 040-767 5311, email tero.salminen@efima.com
Sari Aapola, tel. 040-759 2046, email sari.aapola@efima.com