The Efima Awards Gala is Efima's annual celebration where the staff gathers to rejoice in the successes of the year and honor deserving Efima employees in various categories. Also this year, the highlight of the award ceremony was the recognition of the Efiman of the Year. The honorable mention is granted to a colleague chosen by Efima employees, someone who inspires others, creates a positive atmosphere, embodies Efima's values, and whose expertise is widely appreciated within the workplace.
This time, the Solution Architect Heidi Verho received the highest number of votes, having made a significant impact not only on her colleagues but also on Efima's clients during her three-year career at Efima. "Heidi is a skilled professional and a true team player. She truly works for the benefit of the customer”, one voter praised on the ballot. Colleagues appreciate not only Heidi's solid professional skills but also her ability to lighten even the most challenging matters with a touch of humor: "Every time you talk to Heidi, you notice a smile forming, and work issues seem a degree smaller”, another coworker noted.
Heidi herself jokes about being a "wannabe consultant who knows a bit about everything but nothing in-depth." She doesn't consider herself a technical expert but rather a social adept with an insatiable passion for learning and advancing things. Heidi has found a versatile role at Efima where she can leverage her social skills and contribute to the development of both clients and the company itself. She supports clients in the implementation and ongoing development of Microsoft Dynamics 365, participates in solution product management, engages in internal development, and serves as a supervisor for an 8-member expert team.
The Efiman of the Year receives a personalized game jersey. All jerseys awarded throughout history are displayed at the Helsinki office.
Get to know Heidi!
We interviewed Heidi after the award ceremony and learned how it felt to see her own surname on the jersey of the Efiman of the Year.
Your colleagues voted you as the Efiman of the Year 2023 – how did that feel?
"I was truly stunned and surprised. I never would have believed I'd be chosen. I'm the type of person who always points out if something could be done better, and I thought other Efima employees were probably full of my ideas – but apparently, they have been appreciated."
You've read the justifications written by your colleagues for your selection. What kind of feelings and thoughts did they evoke?
"The feedback gave me a really good and warm feeling – especially that I've been able to be present and support other people. In recent years, I've tried to pay attention to being present both at work and at home because multitasking hasn't taken me far. Saying hi to a colleague in the hallway, stopping to exchange greetings at the coffee machine, and really listening to others, lead to better collaboration."
Many of your colleagues mentioned that they appreciate your approach to work and how you tackle challenges with a twinkle in your eye. Where does your attitude come from, and how do you maintain a good mood in everyday life?
"I don't take myself or things too seriously. In expert work, you inevitably encounter more challenging situations, and humor often helps in coping with them. At Efima, I've been able to be my positive self, and I have similar people around me with whom it's pleasant to work. I strongly believe that the best solutions arise from working together, not from toiling alone."
In addition to praise from colleagues, you've received abundant appreciation from our clients for your work. What motivates you to do your best?
"I have worked in the past as a client in the role of a solution's main user, so I can empathize with the client's struggles and understand how finding the right solution can help the client move forward. From the solution's perspective, a problem may be quite small, but from a human work perspective, the problem can be frustrating and completely disrupt the work. It's important to remember that ultimately, we work for people – not solutions."
Congratulations to the other awardees!
At the Efima Awards ceremony, honors were also distributed in six other categories. The recipients of recognition for the year 2023 were:
- Efilis Ambassador of the Year: Tuomas Pitkänen
- Master of the Year: Pasi Paalanen
- Value Advocate in the 'Together for Better' Category: Elina Våg and Joel Hellström
- Value Advocate in the 'Come as You Are' Category: Jaakko Laine
- Value Advocate in the 'Desire to Listen' Category: Elina Ylönen
- Value Advocate in the 'Achieving with Skills' Category: Henrika Petäjä